Establish a Company in the Fishing Sector in Turkey

Establish a Company in the Fishing Sector in Turkey

Updated on Saturday 15th December 2018

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Establish-a-company-in-the-fishing-sector-in-turkey.jpgThe fishing sector in Turkey is a developed one, especially due to the great sea ports (the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Marmara) and the geographic location. Local and foreign entrepreneurs who want to open a company in the fishing sector in Turkey can serve restaurants and food corners as suppliers of fish, sea foods and similar products. An investor can direct the attention to the tourism sector where the recreational fishing can be considered a suitable business option in Turkey, one of the favorite destinations worldwide. Registering a company in the fishing sector can be supervised in legal matters by our lawyers in Turkey.

Steps in opening a business in the fishing sector in Turkey

Even though there are numerous companies activating in the fishing sector in Turkey, there is plenty of space for others too, as statistics say that this industry continues to develop on a yearly basis. Once the types of activities are established, whether as a supplier for restaurants or in the recreational field, the investor must prepare several documents and information necessary before opening the company, such as:
•    articles of association;
•    registered name of the company;
•    the address of the business;
•    the type of activity;
•    licenses and permits;
•    VAT certificate.
One should know that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in Turkey, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Agricultural Production and Development, issues the licenses and permits for companies with activities in the fishing sector, available for eight months and with the possibility of extending them. Our Turkish lawyers can provide you with complete information about the legislation regarding the licenses and permits necessary in the fishing sector in the country.

Why open a company in the fishing sector in Turkey?

The tourism sector in Turkey is extremely developed and entrepreneurs should explore the varied opportunities. They can supply the local restaurants with sea products, as different as possible. Furthermore, they can also focus on special requests and can import exotic fish and similar products, serving this way the top restaurants in Turkey. Furthermore, a businessman can also offer processed foods like frozen fish and sea foods to cities where there are no sea exits, but with requests on the market. The portfolio of restaurants can extend in a fast manner and the businessman can make profits in a short time if the products provide quality and good prices.
If you want to activate in the fishing sector in Turkey, we invite you to ask for details by contacting our lawyers in Turkey.