Establish an Online Shop in Turkey

Establish an Online Shop in Turkey

Updated on Saturday 15th December 2018

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Establish-an-online-shop-in-TurkeyForeign and local entrepreneurs who want to open an e-commerce business in Turkey must comply with the new law related to the online sale of goods and services which was created in 2014 and implemented in 2015. The Regulation of Electronic Commerce Act was created in order to offer a suitable legislation to those who want to open online shops, but also to their customers. However, this is not the law governing e-commerce in Turkey.

Our law firm in Turkey can offer information on the set of laws an online store must comply with.

Legislation related to opening an online shop in Turkey

The new Regulation of Electronic Commerce Law, also known as Law No. 6563, comes in line with the international norms related to online sales. Foreign enterprisers who open companies in Turkey with the intention of selling goods and services online now have the possibility of selling their products on external markets also.

Online stores in Turkey must also comply with other laws, among which are:

  • -          the Civil Code;
  • -          the Privacy and Data Protection Law;
  • -          the Consumer Protection Law;
  • -          the regulations imposed by the Customs Authorities;
  • -          the Internet Law;
  • -          the Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions Act.

The latter refers to the payment options offered by Turkish online shops to their customers. For this purpose, the merchant account is one of the most popular choices among online sales stores.

How to set up an online store in Turkey

Opening an online company through which goods or services will be sold in Turkey implies registering a business with the Trade Register first. This procedure can be completed by a lawyer in Turkey as it is relatively simple.

Once the company is created, the businessman can choose a name for the website which will host the online shop, register a domain with the chosen name and, of course, have the website created. Certain security protocols in accordance with the Internet and e-commerce laws must be integrated in the website.

Turkish online stores must clearly display information about the company, such as the trade name, the e-mail address and a phone number.

For full information on the obligations of online shops, please contact us. Our Turkish lawyers will also help you with the registration of the business with the Trade Registrar.