Open a Catering Company in Turkey

Open a Catering Company in Turkey

Updated on Saturday 15th December 2018

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Open-a-restaurant-in-Turkey.jpgConsidering the well-developed tourism sector and the large numbers of visitors registered each year in Turkey, there are many local and foreign investors interested in opening all kinds of companies which can serve better the requirements on the market. This is the case where businessmen decide to open catering companies in Turkey, whether in cities like Antalya, Izmir or Bodrum found at the seaside, or in Konya, Adana, Gaziantep, Ankara or Bursa, only a few of well-developed municipalities in the country and that have no sea exists. Dealing with a business in food industry requires special attention to all licenses and permits involved, a matter where our lawyers in Dubai can help with legal support.

Conditions to open a catering company in Turkey

Once the location has been established, it is time to select a name for your catering company in Turkey and then decide on what types of foods you would like to sell on the market. The Turkish food is well appreciated worldwide and it will be an excellent option for your catering firm, especially if you focus most on the tourists visiting the country. Besides that, you can also offer varied menus inspired from the international cuisines such as Italian, French, Spanish, Thai or Chinese. If you have decided on the type of catering business, you should prepare the documents for the registration of the company with the Trade Register in Turkey, considering the following papers:
•    articles of association;
•    VAT certificate;
•    a bank account for the minimum share capital;
•   licenses and permits to prove you can place food products on the market;
•    sanitary agreements from the authorities in charge.
We remind that our Turkish lawyers can help you draft the company documents and guide you throughout the entire registration process of your catering company in Turkey. Furthermore, our team can provide you with legal support when applying for an operation permit with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the Catering Industry Association.

Why open a catering company in Turkey?

Catering companies in Turkey can address to all types of firms and people who have developed a good taste in food and special products. Your catering company in Turkey may serve special events, whether on a local plan or abroad, if you are appreciated on the market. In this matter, a special advertising is suggested, using varied promotion channels like social media or well-known newspapers. A successful catering company in Turkey will pretty much depend on the multitude of menus and on the fast way of serving the clientele and future customers. The food business in Turkey is considered a path to success and the proper way to generate money in a short period of time.
For a better understanding of the rules and regulations related to the registration of catering companies in Turkey, please do not hesitate to contact our law firm in Turkey.