Shareholders of Turkish Companies

Shareholders of Turkish Companies

Updated on Thursday 26th January 2023

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Shareholders-of-Turkish-Companies.jpg.jpgThe shareholders of a Turkish company have a series of rights and obligations that derive from their asset investment in the company. Companies are set-up with a minimum number of shareholders and a mandatory minimum share capital.
The two most common types of companies set-up by foreign investors in Turkey are the joint stock company and the limited liability company. Our lawyers in Turkey can give you additional information about their characteristics and about the liabilities and rights of the shareholders.

Types of shares available for companies in Turkey

The company’s Articles of Association contain information about the types of shares and how they can be transferred or distributed. Most shares issued by Turkish companies are general ones, in the form of share certificates. Different classes of shares can exist within one companies and the special types of shares offer additional privileges to shareholders.
The joint stock company can have registered shares and bearer shares. For this type of company, the shareholders can be individuals, other Turkish companies or both.
Persons interested in immigration to Turkey can opt for the legal services offered by our company. We can take care of the preparation of the documents, as well as the registration with the local authorities. It is good to know that you must apply for a visa, if necessary for the country you come from. We can also help you with obtaining a residence and work permit. Do not hesitate to contact us and discuss more with our specialists in the field.

Shareholder’s rights in Turkey

A company’s shareholders are entitled to receive dividend payments but they must also receive a repayment in the case of company liquidation. They also have a pre-emption right to receive shares, after a capital increase is performed.
Shareholders have voting rights and they also have the right to be informed of any changes in the company, its situation or evolution. According to the Turkish Commercial Code shareholders have the right to participate in the General Meetings or, if they cannot be present, they have the right to appoint a representative. 
Minority shareholders in Turkey are those that sum up for at least 10% of the company’s share capital. According to law, they have a series of rights for being represented on the board or request that a balance sheet discussion is postponed. They can also ask to be add a certain topic on the General Meeting’s agenda.
Our lawyers in Turkey can help you with other shareholder related matters, like drawing up special shareholder’s agreements.
You can contact our law firm in Turkey for more information regarding company management.