Immigrate to Turkey from France - Cost-Effective Legal Advice

Immigrate to Turkey from France

Updated on Monday 16th May 2022

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Immigrate to Turkey from France.jpgFrench citizens who want to immigrate to Turkey must keep in mind the rules regarding the necessary visas. A few years ago, the Turkish authorities implemented an electronic visa system, with which foreigners can access this document faster. Find in this article some useful information if you are from France and want to relocate to Turkey, remembering that you can rely on the legal help offered by immigration lawyers in Turkey.

Visa for French people who want to immigrate to Turkey

We mention from the beginning that French citizens do not need a visa for Turkey if they want to stay in this country for up to 90 days. Exception to this rule is the former French colony of Gabon, where citizens have to apply for a visa from the beginning. However, if the visit is extended, the French citizens must apply for a visa and a residence permit. Here is some other information to consider if you emigrate from France to Turkey:
  • Entry into Turkey is done with the help of a passport with a validity for at least 6 months.
  • If you want to stay in Turkey for only 90 days, you must apply for an e-visa.
  • If the visa application is made online, it is necessary to fill in a form, with complete personal data.
  • Authorities are asking foreign nationals to provide proof of health insurance.
  • Those who accept jobs in Turkey will be helped by employers who will act as sponsors in the emigration process. Our Turkish lawyers can work with them to obtain the necessary work visa.
  • The Turkish Immigration Department is responsible for verifying the documents required to obtain a visa for Turkey.
The relocation process can be supervised by our team of lawyers in Turkey, with experience in the field of immigration. Therefore, we invite you to talk to us and thus avoid cases in which the visa application can be rejected due to missing documents and more. In addition, if you are a French citizen and want to open a business in Turkey, do not hesitate to get in touch with us and find out how we can help you legally.

Residence permit in Turkey

According to Immigration Law in Turkey, French citizens must register with local authorities and obtain a residence permit. For example, the short-term residence permit for Turkey is the first document that can be obtained and is valid for one year, with the possibility of extension.
In order to obtain this document, you need to have a valid passport, a statement containing financial details, and health insurance. However, all the details regarding the residence permit in Turkey can be provided by our immigration specialists. We are here to offer you all the necessary support to be able to move to Turkey.

Relocation of a French company in Turkey

Foreign nationals who own companies and want to relocate to Turkey can do so quite rapidly and can enlist the help of our lawyers. The process is simple and involves several essential steps, including closing contracts with suppliers, preparing documents that certify the relocation and agreement of the company owners. As soon as these steps are followed, the French company will register with the Turkish authorities, with the help of our team of lawyers. All the formalities related to the relocation from France to Turkey can be discussed with our specialists.

Investments in Turkey

Turkey remains one of the best and most appreciated investment destinations for foreign entrepreneurs. The secure business climate, the experienced workforce, and the generous incentives offered in various fields of interest are some of the attributes that come to the attention of foreigners who want to implement their business in Turkey. In addition to these aspects, we also list some interesting statistical data about the economic direction of Turkey:
  1. According to the 2020 Doing Business report, Turkey ranked 33rd out of 190 world economies in terms of business conditions.
  2. Around USD 212 billion was the total FDI in 2019 in Turkey.
  3. In 2020, over 33% of foreign investment was absorbed by the manufacturing sector in Turkey.
  4. Also in 2020, the Netherlands was the largest foreign investor in Turkey, accounting for about 17.8% of total foreign investment.
  5. There are over 2,900 subsidiaries registered in Turkey and over 60 branches.
So, if you want to move to Turkey from France to open a business or work in this country, we invite you to contact our law firm in Turkey. We are at your disposal with all the necessary legal support to obtain the required visas and other important documents. If you need a digital nomad visa in Turkey, contact us for legal assistance.